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At the Movies


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Why bother with this section? There's never anything good in the theaters anyway!

What the hell is up with the movie industry? The budgets are getting bigger and bigger, but the movies are getting crappier and crappier. And so, I present to you a low-budget movie that is nowhere near the definion of "crappy" (or that's what I'd like you to think). It features the return of one of action movies' biggest stars...

The Hopeless Tortilla Boy

Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger is back, but not in another crappy movie. In this new movie he plays the Hopeless Tortilla Boy who has been threatened by the big company owners and now must fight to be able to continue to sell tortillas.
Click on the picture above to download the trailer.

The next movie doesnt actually exist, but I'd really like to see it...

Alien vs. Carlos, the Illegal Alien

Ready for a cockfight?